dotloop updates: featured fields | Dotloop

dotloop updates: featured fields



October 08, 2015 | comments

To make the dotloop experience better for you, we bring updates and fixes every Wednesday night. Every update of dotloop includes improvements for speed and reliability as well as additional features to help you do more with dotloop.

Featured Fields

There are unique pieces of information that apply to each transaction type, so what we are introducing is a way to easily assign field values for an entire loop.

The process is simple – Once you’ve selected a transaction type for your loop, you will find additional options that are specific to that type. For example, if you select “Under Contract” you will find that you then have the ability to add a closing date, etc.

To get started, simply login to your dotloop account!

That’s all folks! Be sure to check back every week to learn about the updates as they get released, and if you have any questions check out our support page!